代理品牌Navinci Diagnostics

Navinci Diagnostics

瑞典生技公司 Navinci Diagnostics(以下簡稱 Navinci)前身為 Olink Bioscience 公司,是市面上第一個推出基於「in situ proximity ligation assay (PLA) 技術」偵測細胞中蛋白質交互作用 (Protein-protein interaction) 產品的公司,對 PLA 技術有多年豐富的研發經驗。近期,Navinci 以原有的 PLA 技術為基礎,開發出新一代 Naveni® Proximity Ligation Technology 系列產品,為空間蛋白質體學研究提供更高靈敏度、專一性的創新解決方案。

Naveni® Proximity Ligation Technology 系列產品具有放大細胞/組織蛋白染色訊號減少非專一性雜訊的功能,並且可以應用在各種蛋白質轉譯後修飾的染色,更重要的是可以在細胞及組織中直接針對蛋白質交互作用現象進行染色,讓研究者能夠直觀地在顯微鏡下觀察到細胞中特定蛋白質交互作用的強度與位置,取得更貼近真實生理狀態的蛋白質交互作用研究成果

Naveni® Proximity Ligation Technology 的 RCA (rolling circle amplification) 訊號放大技術讓即使是低表現量的蛋白質也能偵測得到,並解決了蛋白質交互作用研究中 Co-IP 實驗靈敏度差、裂解液 Detergent 成分影響蛋白結構、以及一般細胞/組織共染色容易有偽陽性訊號…等缺點,已成為目前研究原位蛋白質交互作用癌症藥物篩檢的重要方法,例如 Navinci 公司開發的「PD1/PD-L1 interaction 染色試劑盒」即是目前研究學者篩選免疫療法藥物最常使用的試劑套組之一。


Workflow of Naveni® Proximity Ligation Technology: (1) Primary antibody incubation - Two primary antibodies bind to their target epitopes, located on a single protein or two nearby proteins; (2) Navenibody incubation - Navenibodies (carefully selected antibodies conjugated to proprietary oligonucleotide arms) bind their respective primary antibodies; (3) Circle formation - Only if the Navenibodies are in close proximity the attached oligos can generate a DNA circle guaranteeing high specificity by reducing nonspecific background staining. Using the proprietary Naveni™ technology, the efficacy of the oligo design improves the signal strength, ensuring high sensitivity; (4) Amplification and detection - By the addition of polymerase, a rolling circle amplification process is initiated. Fluorescent or HRP/AP labeled probes are bound to the amplified DNA, generating a fluorescence or a chromogenic dot after adding substrate. The high signal-to-noise enables the detection of separate proximity events, allowing for a resolution down to a single protein or protein-protein interaction.


Naveni® TriFlex relies on two user-determined primary antibodies against the targets of interest, and on proprietary TriFlex Navenibodies (in orange), which are antibody-based proximity reagents. Only proteins located at <40 nm distance are recorded as interacting. Naveni® TriFlex detects total protein A (i.e., both free and in complex with B, yellow), total protein B (maroon), and the AB interaction (blue). The detected A, B and AB signals are amplified and generate fluorescent readout in three channels corresponding to each protein pool.


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